the Tenway CGO800S It can record bike rides and enter them into the manufacturer's app. This can be done either using the automatic recording function or manually. If you prefer the manual version, you have to follow the correct steps so that the track is definitely recorded. Basically, all of the Dutch manufacturer's bikes have Bluetooth, so that exercise data is also collected on entry-level models.
To register a tour, open the free Tenways app, available at App Store And in play store available. Once the bike is turned on, the CGO800S connects to the smartphone. The current Bluetooth connection is displayed in the app as well as on the bike's screen. Tenways uses two chain links connected together on the bike's display to visualize successful pairing. In the app, you tap on the km/h display, which opens the recording window. The current speed, average speed and maximum speed are displayed in the driving overview. Once you press the red record button, the bike records the route.
Pairing is important
Whether you prefer to use the automatic or manual function for recording, it's up to you. However, when using the manual version, you must make sure to pair your smartphone so that you do not lose any data. Application reviews show that automatic registration is only partially successful. Depending on how serious you are about registering, an unregistered flight can be very annoying. That's why our colleague Tim Mohn always uses manual recording.
Once you reach your goal, you can stop recording via the app. To do this, you must press the red stop button for a long time. This is probably to avoid accidentally stopping recording early. Once the tour is completed successfully, the app shows that driving data is being uploaded. So under no circumstances should you close the application directly to avoid data loss. Each recorded bike ride helps the app display range information more accurately. The smartphone app collects statistics on CO2 reduction with each trip. If you take the time to manually track each trip, you will get an accurate result across the board. No matter whether it's on the way to the train station, to the bakery or to school: the CGO800S records how fast you went, the distance you covered and approximately how many calories you burned. Currently this is it Tenway CGO800S Available from the manufacturer for €1899.
More from Tim: Nerdbench on YouTube
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