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I want to take charge of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

I want to take charge of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Hamburg (OTS) Why is Europe important to you? How should it look in the future? These and other questions have been asked 4th Citizens Forum “European Union in the World, Migration” in Maastricht as part of Conference on the future of Europe on the plan. The randomly selected participants discussed the future of Europe together.

Among them is Alyssa Wegener. In the FuturEU video, the 22-year-old explains why it is important to participate in a ‘conference on the future of Europe’.

As we asked Alyssa Wegener and other participants at the Future of Europe Conference in Maastricht: What does Europe mean to you? We have summarized their answers in this video.

More about Forums of European citizens at the “Futures of Europe Conference” on the platform. How do citizen forums actually work? See also this Explainer video About the Conference on the Future of Europe.

In which Europe do we want to live in the future? – with the The Conference on the Future of Europe, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission gives you the opportunity to participate in order to discuss Europe’s challenges and priorities together. The FuturEU team publishes the latest news related to the conference, well-established explanatory pieces in multimedia formats for your report. This basic knowledge prepares European participants well for the conference in order to help shape the future of Europe. # the future

The project was co-financed by the European Union as part of the Communications Financing Program of the European Parliament. The European Parliament was not involved in the preparation and does not assume any responsibility and is not bound by the information published or the opinions expressed in the framework of the project; The Project is solely responsible for the authors, interviewees, publishers and broadcasters involved in publishing the Program, in accordance with applicable law. Nor can the European Parliament be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the project.

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