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Ice Hockey: ÖEHV Team Olympic Qualifier Final – Winter Sports

Ice Hockey: ÖEHV Team Olympic Qualifier Final – Winter Sports

Olympic qualification: Roger Bader eliminates four players Photo: © GEPA

Vienna – Monday, 23.08.2021 at 12:25 pm

After the successful completion of the Test matches against Hungary and Italy, the Austrian national ice hockey team will head to Bratislava on Monday evening. Prior to that, team boss Roger Bader had to remove four players from his team.

The Swiss is committed to goalkeeper Sebastian Ranchitz, defender Raphael Wolff, who suffered a serious knee injury against Italy, and strikers Patrick Spahnring and Florian Baltram. The 25-player roster now includes three goalkeepers, nine defenders and 13 forwards.

Badr explained in a statement: “It is never easy to make such decisions. Each of the four players deserves to be there. Unfortunately, the decision was made for us in defense, and of course we wish Raphael Wolf all the best.”

“I am very satisfied with the developments that took place last week and I think we have a good mix in the team. Now the rule-making phase begins and we will be well prepared for the first match against Slovakia,” the team boss said.

The first match will be held on Thursday evening against the hosts of Slovakia (7.15 pm). Live broadcast) instead of. Then it goes against Belarus on Friday afternoon (3:15 p.m. in Live broadcast). The final group match for a ticket at the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing on Sunday against Poland (1:30 PM Live broadcast) instead of.

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Here is the squad of 25 players to qualify for the Olympics:

A goal keeper: Defender: striker:
David Kickert Dominic Huckle Benjamin Baumgartner
Alexander Schmidt Dominic Heinrich Manuel Janal
Bernard Starkbaum Alexander Balstrang Lucas Haddom
Martin Schuming Raphael Herberger
Stephen Strong Mario Huber
Stefan Ulmer Thomas a hundred pounds
Clemens Untrueger Brian Liebler
Bernd Wolf Patrick Obrist
Kilian Zundl Thomas Raffel
Marco Rossi
Peter Schneider
Ali and Covits
Dominic Zwerger

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