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Impossible Kitchen: Fans frustrate before the end of the season

Impossible Kitchen: Fans frustrate before the end of the season

At this point, as with all previous episodes of Season 7 of Kitchen Impossible, we’d very much like to get one. Episode guide preview On the best friends edition Published with Tim Mälzer, Tim Raue and Max Strohe. To our great regret Thousands of fans frustrated However, the result of successful VOX formatting is still ahead not available. Usually, the following Kitchen Impossible episode can be found at Broadcast platform RTL + Seven days prior to telecasting (always on Sundays at 8:15 p.m. on VOX). It wasn’t the case with the final episode of the current season, as it is still not included in the stream (as of April 2, 8 p.m.).

technical problems

In the past few days, they have been piling up complaintsAngry fans expressed their anger on social networks, among other things, some are talking about one “catastrophe” or feel “cheated”. According to the official statement from Niklas Fauteck, Senior Director of Communications & PR VOX/RTL+, “Kitchen Impossible” For production reasons It will only be available shortly before VOX airs on RTL+. “Fauteck did not want to comment on the exact time an advanced broadcast could be available when I asked Falstaff.

This happens at the end of the season

The final episode of Season 7 of Kitchen Impossible takes place as a Best Friends edition. Tim Mälzer invited Tim Raue and Max Strohe to this special “duel”. While one of the three sets the task, the other two opponents compete against each other in direct competition.

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Tim Malzer vs. Max Stroh in Nuenen (Netherlands)

Tim Raue has come up with a particularly difficult task for the best “cooking friends”. sends it to “Spicy Chef” Soenil Bahadoer To Nuenen near Eindhoven in the Netherlands. The original chef is considered the king of spices, and his dishes are one A mixture of French, Indian and Surinamese cuisine. Can malts and straws establish themselves in a multicultural kitchen?

Tim Roe vs Max Stroh in Brunico (Italy)

The next duel will be between the best chefs in Italy: Norbert Niederköffler, who is currently Three Michelin stars carry. However, the challenge takes place at Niederkofler’s second restaurant, “AlpiNN” at 2,275m in Brunico. In the «AlpiNN» Niederkoffler brings his philosophy “Cooking the Mountain” With each dish for his guests. It remains to be hoped that Raue and Strohe can also rise to the peak of enjoyment.

Tim Malzer vs. Tim Roe at Porsche (Portugal)

The two Thames lead their challenge to the picturesque Algarve Hans Neuner. The Portuguese of their choice with Tyrolean roots already dueled in the second season with Tim Malzer and then won, and he now works as an original chef. And the task couldn’t be more difficult, as it relates to the Neuner signature dish «Tagliatelle by Carabinero and Mr. Krabs» For cooking, that includes baking!

Excerpts: All previous episodes of Season 7

  1. Episode: Tim Malzer vs. Bjorn Swanson
  2. Episode: Tim Malzer vs. Haya Mulcho
  3. Episode: Tim Malzer vs. Sven Wasmar
  4. Episode: Tim Malzer vs. Victoria Fox
  5. Result: Tim Malzer vs. Alan Weisgerber
  6. Episode: Tim Malzer vs. Cornelia Polito
  7. Result: Tim Malzer vs. Hendrik Haas
  8. Episode: Tim Mälzer and Sepp Schellhorn vs. Healthy Boy Band
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