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Individuals - At ÖSV, the course is assigned a new

Individuals – At ÖSV, the course is assigned a new

After Karl Schmidhofer resigns as ÖSV president, the first steps will be taken next week to find his successor. As the Austrian Press Agency found out, the Austrian Ski Association held a presidential conference in Salzburg on Wednesday, October 13.

In this committee it was decided what the timetable would look like until the new leadership of the association. On a temporary basis, Roswitha Stadeloper is currently serving as Vice President.

How long a former alpine rider should do this is one of the questions that needs to be clarified with all heads of state at the presidential convention. Stadlober could run until the next country conference in June 2022, or new elections will be scheduled in relatively short order. The 58-year-old could run for those.

Stadlober hasn’t called the office yet, but after Schmidhofer asked her last week to stand on his behalf, given that Styrian had only resigned a hundred days later for family reasons, she didn’t want to rule anything out. Former world slalom runner and mother of a cross-country skater Theresa Stadlooper confirmed, but she’s not ready to fight back. “We all want the same thing.” (opa / red)