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Innsbruck Festival Weeks with “Encounters” –

Innsbruck Festival Weeks with “Encounters” –


The slogan for next year’s 46th Innsbruck Early Music Festival is “Encounters”. Between August 12 and 28, 2022, the organizers invite you to 53 “meetings” with different aspects of early music.

The program includes “known works of Renaissance and Baroque music as well as valuable rarities and rediscoveries,” cultural advisor Beate Palfrader (ÖVP) announced Tuesday.

More than eleven places

More than eleven places are being used, officials reported on the broadcast. Festival director Alessandro de Marchi announced a “colorful and multifaceted programme”. Among other things, “Sheila” by Karl Heinrich Grauen will be performed at the Tyrolean Theater – with stars such as Pejon Mehta, Valer Sabados, Hagen Mazzet and Samuel Marino, as well as sopranos Eleonora Bellucci, Roberta Invernessi and Tenor Mert Songo. It will also show the opera “Astarto” by Giovanni Bononcini and the Baroque Jung opera “La Amazon Corsara” by Carlo Pallavicino.

The state theater is inside


The newly renovated State Theater is also played and sung

Music leaves its mark

Managing Director Markus Lutz sounded “high with hope and joy” in the new year and COO Eva Maria Sans announced that she wants to leave “traces” in the coming festival weeks. Because music is an encounter. Between art and its translators, between artists and the public,” Innsbruck Mayor Georg Willy (Greens) also emphasized the role of music as a “universal form of language” and a contribution to “encounters across language barriers far away.” Innsbruck Early Music Festival tickets are available from Wednesday.

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