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International – Kiel – Gunther: “Best Business Card Given in America” ​​- Politics

International – Kiel – Gunther: “Best Business Card Given in America” ​​- Politics

San Francisco/Kiel (dpa/lno) – Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) celebrated his five-day visit to the United States as a great success. “Together with the elders in our delegation, we have given Schleswig-Holstein in the United States an excellent business card over the past few days,” a spokesman said Saturday in San Francisco.

The expertise of the 50-person tour group made an impression on the people we spoke to in Boston (Massachusetts) and California. “We are considered an innovative region with a lot to offer and enormous potential in terms of technology and green energy,” Gunther said.

Digitization Minister Dirk Schröder (CDU) explained that exchange and networking with American tech hubs is forward-looking. Better use of data and available collaboration is of great value to both parties. “If California wants to become climate-neutral by 2045, they can use our help in technologies,” said Julia Carstens (CDU), Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.

Hinrich Habeck, Managing Director of Schleswig-Holstein Economic Development and Technology Transfer GmbH (WTSH), summed it up: “It was clearly shown that the visits and events of the trip had a very motivating effect on the participants – with a technical perspective, look at the corporate culture.” The delegation wanted to return from San Francisco on Saturday.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:230610-99-09412/2

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