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Inventor of the sound cloud: Walter Haupt-Mitte

Inventor of the sound cloud: Walter Haupt-Mitte

Composer, conductor and director Walter Haupt died May 17 in Munich at the age of 87, according to his family.

Together with the director of ORF Upper Austria, Hannes Leopoldseder, he brought the first soundcloud to Linz in September 1979. The year before, he had realized a cloud of sound in Munich with Karl Orff in Munich, playing Orff’s piece “Entrata” by loudspeakers The sound from the church towers. In Linz, recordings of Bruckner’s Eighth Symphony were played from loudspeakers in Pöstlingberg, Freinberg, Auhof and Hummelhof. Instead of 20,000 people, 100,000 people came to Donaupark, and the dreaded scandal never materialised.

Haupt was born in Munich in 1935. He studied music and then worked as a jazz pianist. Haupt founded and directed the experimental stage at the Bavarian State Opera, Marstal. The 1972 Munich Olympics opened with a light show and hologram. His opera Marat, about the French Revolution, was staged in front of 150,000 spectators on Königsplatz. He became known worldwide for his so-called sound dragging. This is an audio-dramatic multimedia made of fire, water, light and music in the midst of a landscape. They reached an audience of millions.


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