The company announced during Tuesday that Apple’s next iPhone update will arrive next week First event of the year. iOS 15.4 has seen five betas and introduces Anti-Harassment AirTag alerts, a Siri . gender-neutral language optionNew emojis, Face ID updates, and the long-awaited arrival of Universal Control. The beta version of iOS 15.4 has now been released publicly, and the final version of the operating system will be available as a free update and will be pre-installed next week. iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro in their new green variants.
As the name suggests, iOS 15.4 is the fourth major update of iOS 15started with iPhone 13 in September. These updates started in December iOS 15.1 versionAdd more features to Apple’s iPhone operating system and improve existing ones. iOS 15.4 will follow iOS 15.3.1 released last month to fix bugs Vulnerability in iPhone and iPad devices.
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As with any beta version of the operating system, we recommend Download on test device onlyNot your primary iPhone. Beta versions are for stability and bug testing, which means they aren’t as optimized as release versions – you’ll likely experience shorter battery life and app instability.
What is the release date of iOS 15.4?
Apple hasn’t given a specific release date for iOS 15.4, but the company said the update will be available as a free update next week. According to a press release from Apple, the iPhone 13 Green and iPhone 13 Pro Alpine Green will ship with iOS 15.4 preinstalled. Apple hasn’t specifically said 15.4 will come with it New iPhone SEHowever only it has iOS 15.
How to download iOS 15.4 beta?
To do this, you must first register Apple Beta Software. Once in the program Download configuration profile from Apple. Then you should be able to find the latest beta version by going to Settings > General > Program Update and selection Download and install. Again, we only recommend this to secondary devices and testers due to the buggy nature of beta testing.
What is universal control?
Universal Control allows you to use other devices as second displays and seamlessly transfer content between them using a single device. This highly anticipated feature was originally announced as Part of macOS Monterey but delayed Around the fall, with a new timeline indicating “this spring.” Universal Control appeared in iOS 15.4 beta and will be released as a public beta alongside updates for Monterey OS 12.3 and iPadOS 15.4.
Can I use Face ID with masks?
Apple is updating its Face ID feature so it can be used while wearing a mask. Since the feature uses a smaller part of your face to verify your identity, you’ll need to be more specific about what angle you hold your phone when using Face ID. Your phone will also ask if you need to look more directly at the screen. The updated feature should work for people who wear glasses, but it won’t work with sunglasses.
What new emojis are coming?
If you are the type who takes pride in using creative and fun emojis, you will love iOS 15.4. There is 37 new emoji In the update, including new options for pregnant women, heart-shaped hands, a salute and – my favorite – the lip-biting emoji. These were revealed last fall and also include a melting face, a teardrop face, a bird’s nest, a coral, a lotus, a low battery, and red beans.
Another feature included in the update is the ability to copy text from objects using the camera in the Notes or Reminders apps. And as discovered by ZDNet, the beta version of iOS 15.4 Fixes a bug related to Siri interaction recordings.
For more information about Apple, see How Apple will turn your iPhone into a payment terminal And the How Apple will prepare a wide range of new products for this fall. this too How does the iPhone SE 2022 compare to the 2020 versionAnd the Should you buy an older iPhone SE now?
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