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Italy plans to help residents of the earthquake zone move

Italy plans to help residents of the earthquake zone move

The strongest earthquake in 40 years puts pressure on the government in Rome. €500 million will be invested in stabilizing the buildings. Support measures for relocating families are also planned.

The ground is still shaking in Pozzuoli, a town of 81,000 south of Naples. On Monday, the region was shaken by the strongest earthquake in 40 years. In the Campi Flegrei volcanic caldera area, there are clearly noticeable aftershocks every day. The Italian government is now working on a plan to adapt buildings in the volcanic area to the latest anti-seismic standards. This requires 500 million euros.

Civil Protection Minister Nelo Musumeci said after a ministerial meeting in Rome on Wednesday evening that the priority was to stabilize schools and public buildings. The government is working to impose a ban on further construction in the area of ​​the so-called phlegraine fields, which form a so-called supervolcano due to its size – 150 square kilometers – and significant magmatic activity. The last time it erupted was in 1538.

Anyone who wants to move away will be supported

The government is considering support measures for families who want to leave the phlegrain fields and move. “Those who chose to live in the Campi Flegrei area knew that it was a difficult area with risks. We only remember it when the ground shakes. But we have to live vigilantly with this danger,” Musumeci said.

“Scientists say that earthquakes can last a month or a year, but they may subside tomorrow: we have to be prepared for any situation. We are working with the province, municipalities and the region to develop an evacuation plan that is still in the drawer but must be implemented immediately if necessary,” the minister explained. What is certain is that the density of homes in the area now poses problems for the rapid evacuation plan.

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Yellow alert

The area is currently on yellow alert, if it changes to orange, it is recommended to leave the area. The orange danger level means that surveillance must be increased again and residents must be comprehensively informed about evacuation plans, escape routes and rules of conduct. However, effective evacuation will only take place at red alert level.

The government's plan is to provide the necessary resources to evacuate the so-called red zone. In the most dangerous zone, there are 1,250 homes at high risk of earthquakes and 2,750 homes at moderate risk. “We will only be able to assess how much the government will provide and how the risks to residents can be mitigated once the building vulnerability survey is completed,” Musumeci explained.

Whoever wants to stay must “prepare”

Finally, the Sicilian minister made an appeal to the residents of Campi Flegrei: “We southern Italians appreciate something, but we must understand that those who want to continue living in this area must prepare themselves in the meantime.” It remained in place and Pozzuoli also closed on Thursday, and is scheduled to reopen on Friday.

49 families were forced to leave their homes in the coastal city of Pozzuoli, south of Naples, because the homes faced stability problems after the earthquake that struck at the beginning of the week. Monday's 4.4-magnitude earthquake, the strongest in 40 years, was followed by another 3.4-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday. There were no injuries or deaths, but the shock terrified residents. (Abba)

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