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Italy wants to protect the Vespa as a national cultural heritage

Italy wants to protect the Vespa as a national cultural heritage

Italy wants worship scooter Vespa Is it recognized as a national cultural heritage and thus prevents restrictions on approval due to pollution limits?

A similar bill from the right-wing government party. League About the Minister of Transport Matteo Salvini It was presented to the parliament in Rome.

Historical and cultural value

The bill states: “Given its symbolic value and excellent manufacturing quality, as well as its historical, artistic and cultural value, the Vespa Piaggio motorcycle, patented on April 23, 1946, should be recognized as a ‘national cultural heritage’.” Salvini actively supports it.

“Including Vespa in the list of vehicles of national interest, in order to protect it from any kind of traffic restrictions, is a logical proposal that we actively support in order to defend the heritage, the legend and the Italian symbol on two wheels,” Salvini stressed in a message. “This is something that is known and admired all over the world.”

He calls for Vespas to be allowed to “drive freely” as a national heritage, regardless of any restrictions on polluting emissions.

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