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James Blunt doesn't become Bluntie McPlantface

James Blunt doesn't become Bluntie McPlantface

James Blunt can continue as James Blunt and does not have to change his name to Planty McPlantface. The remake of his hit album “Back to Bedlam” entered the British charts at number seven – not number one, which would have had consequences. In this case, the musician promised to officially change his name to the one that gets the most likes as a suggestion on social media.

Bluntie McPlantface won. Other contenders include “James Bond”, “James Cucking Funt” and “Itsy bitsy tiny weeny one chord song machiney”. The 50-year-old has confirmed that he will carry out this marketing mission in case of emergency. In recent days, he released a series of videos in which he asked people on the street about one of his songs from the 20-year-old album. One name that comes up frequently is Ed Sheeran. So it seemed already predictable that the record would not reach number one.

James Blunt is known for his humorous nature on social media. He also reacted to the chart's decision with a ridiculous video: in which he was filmed while his manager informed him of the “bad” news over the phone that he had missed the top of the chart. As the interviewer comforts him, Blunt exclaims, “I don't have to change my name,” and jumps on the couch for joy.

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In Great Britain, name changes can be made through what is called a “deed poll” by advertisement. Cost: £49.32 (€59.20). Restrictions only exist if copyright is infringed or if the name is potentially offensive, for example if it is offensive or sexual in nature. The step can also be reversed very easily.

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The last word may not have been said yet to Blunt, who is known for making fun of himself, if the joke video is to be believed. “I've spoken to the record company and we think it's time for a rebrand. We're all tired of James Blunt.” Plus, kids will love Planty McPlantface. “This has a really nice effect.” Blunt then collapses in shock. The director addresses him: “Bluntavci…?!”

Plant stormed the charts in 2005 with “Back to Bedlam” and the single “You're Beautiful.” The record stayed at the top of the British charts for ten weeks.