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Joanna Festival: Farewell to the Old Year: New Year's Eve Customs

Joanna Festival: Farewell to the Old Year: New Year's Eve Customs

“It's getting shorter and shorter,” George told me recently. Not because he and his wife are getting older, but because – within the framework of the “one day right” principle – they have already put many projects into practice.

Personal annual balance sheets and future projections are usually about change. Many things you love are lost. In my case, after four and a half years, I'm saying goodbye to my weekly “Johannas Fest” column.

“The best is yet to come,” says my friend Werner, managing director of a global pharmaceutical company.

During last New Year's Eve, the result of my labor was always interpreted as a means of transportation; Usually a ship or sailboat.

My list of spoons still has some room to travel. I am still drawn to the many parts of our wonderful Earth that I have yet to explore. I received an offer from KURIER-Reise to go to KURIER, which I am very happy about! I would like to thank the valued readers of “Johannas Fest” for their interest and the KURIER team for the always kind cooperation!

Have a happy new year!

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