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Kammerbühne Ottenschlag – Lots of celebrities at the premiere of “Cactus Blossom”

Kammerbühne Ottenschlag – Lots of celebrities at the premiere of “Cactus Blossom”

Many patrons, representatives of politics and business, and many friendly theater managers were invited. Chamber Theater Director Michael Mittermeier, who also played a leading role, was able to welcome many guests of honor to the full auditorium.

On the political side, State Mayor Paul Kirchberger also attended, representing the State Governor, State Member of Parliament Franz Mold, National Council Member Martina Dessner-Weiss, and District Governor Dr. Mark Byham. It was a pleasure to have so many theater directors: Josef Roemstorfer (Theater am Park Kronberg), Markus Richter (Theater 82er Haus Gablitz and Stehgreiftheater Tschauner Bühne Vienna), Christina Meister Seidlinger (Theatersommer Schloss Wolfpassing) and Bernhard Oppl (Theater am Fluss Steyr).

Premieres are always a kind of “class reunion” for the actors who have already appeared here. This time the invitation was accepted by: Angela Schossberger, Madeleine Steinwinder, Oliver Roettinger, Johannes Schmid, Michael Konicek and Doris Sabrina Kraus. Naturally, we cannot overlook the “hosts” of Raiffeisenbank Waldviertel Mitte, who made the creation of this theater possible: Chairman of the Board of Management Gerhard Preis, Managing Director Viktoria Bagowski, Stefan Hölzel, Christoph Dürer and Franz Gaderer.

The tried and tested team around Karina Mittermeier: Monika Lagler, Veronica and Christian Bock and Deputy Manager Alexandra Jäger looked after the food in the theater bar and buffet – up to 60 times a season on a volunteer basis. The same applies to the sound and lighting technology duo: Markus Tatzberger and Martin Lagler.

Great theater in Ottenschlager Kammerbühne

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