Katya Krasavichi can’t say anything positive about Dieter Bohlen.Image: IMAGO/Future Image/R. Stoffels
Zoff between grand jury Dieter Bohlen and juror Katia Krasavis has been the subject of the past few weeks. Even at the live shows, they couldn’t let their feud rest. Above all, Katya Krasavis has repeatedly annoyed the pop giant or simply ignored him. Don’t clap for him, instead staring at the cell phone. At Saturday night’s casting finale, she couldn’t resist the bad advice against Bohlen and continued after the show.
While “DSDS” will continue with Dieter Bohlen in 2024, there will certainly be no jury member Katia Krasavis at his side. certainly. Not only did the pop giant not want it, the rapper also rejected it. “I stand for values, and I stand for them, I can’t go on in a constellation with Dieter,” Krasavis said in an interview.photo on sunday“Clear.” I will not allow someone to sit next to me who tramples these values into the ground, as you say.
Katia Krasavis attacked the planks
Zoff was turned on by the scandal surrounding Jill Lang in the “DSDS” castings. At the time, Bohlen was reacting to Jill’s trash TV past with vulgar and sexist remarks. Katya quickly sided with the candidate and attacked Bohlen on social media. But the fact that he showed no insight still infuriates her to this day. “What I found the worst is that Dieter didn’t apologize to Jill. It takes five seconds, but he lacks that much.”It’s noisy now.
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Katya continues against the pop giant, claiming that it did not welcome women in the TV studio. He only talks to men. I was polite to him for a long time. The thought came, he’s an old man, probably tired. Until I finally got it: Dieter does not respect women. It’s just embarrassing.”
There were a lot of problems with Dieter Bohlen.Photo: dpa / Henning Kaiser
Katja Krasavice reveals when she is smashed with planks
However, the collaboration between the two wasn’t always this way. They even knew each other before “DSDS” through a musical collaboration and it was Bohlin who wanted to be the rapper on the judging panel. “Dieter called me Schatze. We had a good collaboration. That’s why I agreed when he wanted me on the jury,” Katja explains.
After things went harmoniously at first, and even they were “like a family,” as Katya says, problems started at some point. When Katja Krasavis realized that Bohlin was a “narcissist” and had “no empathy for others”, the situation escalated. “I also love polarization. But there is no racism anymore. There is no more sexism. It’s not cool. We’re a new generation of women.”, she explains. Bohlen then suggested “trying something different, something cool rather than making a name for yourself at the expense of others”—apparently wrong. “He couldn’t stand it,” says Katya.
Despite all the hardships, the 26-year-old doesn’t regret her jury job. “Many women have written to me thanking me for opposing a supposedly strong man. I’m proud of that,” she says happily.
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