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Kika/Lehner: Harsh criticism of restaurant staff cuts

Kika/Lehner: Harsh criticism of restaurant staff cuts

a job

Kika/Leiner’s announcement that it would lay off 118 employees in the furniture store’s catering business drew heavy criticism. According to the Federation of Veda, it is immoral and legally questionable.

It is “extremely unethical” to offer employees “an amicable termination of employment effective July 31, 2023, when it has been known since the beginning of June that branches will be closed,” said Christine Hetzinger, US President of Services. federation of veda. Kika/Leiner announced Wednesday that 118 of the restaurant’s 264 employees will be laid off — more on this at Kika/Leiner: 118 restaurant employees must go (, July 5, 2023).

According to the union, the restructuring of the company is taking place at the expense of the employees, who will lose a total of about 200,000 euros if the employment relationship is terminated by mutual agreement, since they would have two weeks less notice. “Investor René Bencoux has earned, and the workforce is being robbed,” Hitzinger exasperated.

Wrongful termination?

In addition, kika/Leiner has not implemented the Public Employment Service (AMS) early warning. Trade unionist Hetzinger emphasized that if employers plan to cut staff, it must be done: “If this does not happen, the notices given are illegal and invalid. If the company does not surrender, we will file an action against illegality with the labor court.”

SPÖ’s tourism spokeswoman for the National Council, Melanie Erasim, also criticized the treatment of staff on Thursday. In a statement last June, she said the insolvency administrator declared that employees at catering companies did not have to worry about their jobs.

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First, Benko, a “friend” of former chancellor Sebastian Kurz, was “put on the buyout list,” then the group was put off with hundreds of millions in taxes, and now there are 2,000 workers “on the street,” while Benko allegedly made €300 million in tourism, SPÖ spokeswoman slammed. “. It also confirmed its offer to support the affected employees.