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“King of the Alps and Micanthropes”

“King of the Alps and Micanthropes”

A romantic comedy magic game by Ferdinand Raymond at this year’s Castle Games in Kupersdorf

With the personal comedy “The Alpine King and the Misanthrope”, a charming story of radical self-knowledge by Ferdinand Raimund, Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf wants to inspire and entertain the public again in 2023 from July 4 (premiere) to July 30 under direction of Wolfgang Puck. “Last year, Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf celebrated 50 years of theatrical success, and director Wolfgang Böck made a truly worthy and successful commemoration on stage with his interpretation of Karl Böcker. Just as Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf is closely associated with the name of Wolfgang Böck as artistic director, but also as an outstanding actor, His role in the play is modeled year after year.Wolfgang Böck skillfully orchestrated Kobersdorf over the two decades of his signature management and made it a trademark with an average audience attendance of over 96 percent.With Ferdinand Raymond’s “The Alpine King and the Misanthrope,” the chosen piece Especially from Austrian theater history again this year. The story of the landowner “Rappelkopf” could not be more topical, because I think it would be good for all of us to look with a self-critical eye in the mirror from a different perspective. I am convinced that the artistic director Wolfgang Bock and his team They will certainly continue the great achievements of the previous years and will once again show the excellent quality of the production at such a high level this year,” Governor and Cultural Adviser Hans-Peter Doskozil underlined on March 16, 2023 when presenting the production of this general.

Michael Gambi is responsible for directing, Eric Oberlaker for stage and lighting design, Gertie Rindler Chantel for costumes, Helmut Thomas Stepich for music, Oliver Bender for drama, and Magia Karen Jollwicz for production management. Intendant Wolfgang Böck, who himself embodies the role of the wealthy landowner Rappelkopf, was able to make the acting ensemble, including Gerhard Kasal, Seraphine Rastl, Johanna Bertl, Christoph-Lukas Hagenauer, Doris Hindinger, Alexander Jaksch, Dominik Kaschke, Tanina Beess, Julian Rohrmoser And Manfred Sarkozy wins.

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The main sponsor is Burgenland Energie, which will continue this long-standing cooperation in 2023, because Energie Burgenland and Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf have enjoyed a close partnership for more than 20 years. Burgenland beverage producer Waldkweil and sparkling wine producer Zigeti are also banging on the drum. Intendant Wolfgang Böck shows how a visit to a theater in Kobersdorf can also be combined with a motorized excursion among like-minded people when he drives caravans in a classic Jaguar or a motorcycle on selected days to drive theater-loving drivers to Kobersdorf for a performance-accompaniment visit. Thus, the fixed points in the supporting program for the Castle Games in 2023 are the biker ride on Saturday, July 15th, meeting point: Mattersburg, Pappelstadion car park, at 3 p.m., and the vintage car ride on Sunday, July 24th, starting at the Stadtschlaining.

The personal comedy “The Alpine King and the Misanthrope” by Ferdinand Raymond, a charming tale of radical self-knowledge, is distinguished by wistful wit and captivating situation comedy. Rabelkopf, a landowner who despises the world around him, believes he has been betrayed and threatened by his family. By doing so, he endangers his daughter’s still tender love bond. In order to save them, the ghost king Astragalus intervenes: he takes the form of Rappelkopf and confronts him himself, so the misanthropic must look into the mirror of his soul. He becomes aware of his unfair nature – and allows the young couple to be happily together.

Ferdinand Raymond’s “Original Magical Romantic Comedy”, first performed in 1828 at the Vienna Theater in der Leopoldstadt, is a startlingly modern fairy tale. More than half a century before Sigmund Freud, the Austrian poet anticipated psychoanalysis with the sensual and playful means of the theatre. Not only is the legendary confrontation of the doubles, but also the gloomy servant Habakkuk, who would have loved to be “for two years in Paris,” provides charming situational comedy. With all of these absurd facts and surprising events, the production progresses through mirrored worlds where the cruelty is as at home as the humor. KBB – Kultur-Betriebe Burgenland GmbH, c/o Schloss Spiele Kobersdorf, Franz Schubert-Platz 6, 7000 Eisenstadt, phone +43 (0) 2682/719-8000, e-mail: [email protected], www. is available.

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Image for download: Kobersdorf castle games 2023

Caption (left to right): mag. Thomas Merisch, Commercial Director Schloss Spiele Kobersdorf, CEO of Energy Burgenland Stefan Sharma, Erich Oberlaker responsible for stage and lighting design, Barbara Weissen-Halwax, Kultur Management-Beitrep Burgenland GmbH, Wolfgang Puck, Entente Schloss-ft Spiele Kobersdorf and director Michael Gambe and judge Hans Peter Doskozil produce this year’s Kobersdorf Castle Games
Image source: Bgld. State Information Service

Tschank/Wiesinger/Ferrcsak March 16, 2023

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