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Klosterneuburg: The Tiny Jazz House Band and their talented students inspire again

Klosterneuburg: The Tiny Jazz House Band and their talented students inspire again

Lions Jazz: Teachers and students have united in a sold-out Tiny-Jazz

Klosterneuburg. This past weekend, Dr. Another small jazz concert took place in the Rudolf Koch Hall at BRG Klosterneuburg. Students and teachers at the JGAlbrechtsberger Music School have inspired guests in various bands and the Lions Jazz House Band.

Young Jazzers Unconventional pasta The evening opened with two pieces of Chick Corea performed by the three Helmich sisters “blue oxytocin” replaced. Clara Helmitch She presented among others “No Moon at All”. He continued with that saxophone duoConsisting of Louise Basher And Herwig Gradeshnigwho delighted the audience with his blues hits and the song “Yoko the Dog”.

Before the break presented presenter Michael Bauer New audience for the first time big gang The Klosterneuburg Music School is under the direction of the Kapellmeister Adam Ladany. Spectators were enthusiastic about the professional arrangements and the very successful first steps of a big band. And so, after “Louie Louie” and “Basic Basie,” the guests entered the intermission in a good mood with the last sounds of “Uptown Funk” and wondered if the new big band might also be heard in concert in May. 13 in the Babenbergerhalle will be heard.

in the second group, Lucy Cutcharco on the vibraphone Max Mares on the bass, Florian Bender on drums and singer Lily Marie Quick for entertainment. the Jazz Trio “Four” He played Jimmy Cullum’s “Twentysomething”, Radiohead’s “High & Dry” and featured Billy Joel’s hit “Vienna”. Leonard Horman on piano, accompanied by Binder on drums and Gregory Ofmsir On double bass, he made his breakthrough as a student of Erwin Schmidt.

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He was Emmanuel Dottingerwho gave the concert the final rating of “diversity” with a deeply emotional vibraphone single, “Blues For Gilbert”.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the performance Lions Jazz House Band. music school teachers – Adam Ladany (maybe), Christopher Nadler (trp), Erwin Schmidt (piano), Gottfried Schorl (drums), Gregory Ofmsir (bass) well Herwig Gradeshnig (Sax) f Tobias Meisel (vib / mar) – They were performed together and made up an impressive group of individual exceptional talents, who united for a short time to form a large group in order to comically challenge each other with technically demanding solos.

exit Ariadne Basil:

“The School of Music has been supported by the Lions Club Klosterneuburg-Babenberg for 33 years and the continuity of collaboration is perhaps unique. But what is particularly nice is the growing commitment on the part of the Lions not only to support young people financially, but also to increasingly provide them with a stage to develop their talents freely.”

Adele Haas He was questioned after the ceremony and said:

“As a chamber singer, you wouldn’t expect me to have an affinity for folk music, but jazz cellars were part of my youth and to this day I love rhythms, improvisation, and skill on the jazz instrument. At the traditional concerts The Lions with the music school in Klosterneuburg, you can experience exactly that. Where else can you shout so loud with enthusiasm?! Today I was the loudest with Erwin Schmidt in piano and juniors, especially the charming Lily-Marie Köck with her very much I liked the expressive voice very much All participants created a wonderful evening with a high level of technical ability and an infectious joy in Music “.

Visitors were excited about the performance of the students and teachers and enjoyed an evening full of good music and infectious joy in the art. And the Lions took the excitement as an opportunity to accept first table reservations for the grand closing party of the 2022/2023 season on May 13th at the Babenbergerhalle.

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You can find more information and tickets for upcoming events at

Tiny Jazz House Band
Adam Ladany: Trumpet
Christoph Nadler: Trumpet
Haussner changed it: guitar
Gottfried SICL: Drums
Gregor Offmesser: double bass
Herwig Gradescheng: Saxophone
Tobias Meisel: Vibraphone

the pupils
Bendix Zoran
Bettina Platner
David Frederick
David Zellick (Sax)
Emile Bodel (Sax)
Eva Helmich (piano)
Florian Bender (drums)
George Schaffhauser (TRP)
Jacob Tichel (TRP)
Jaromir Rektenwald (guitar)
Jonathan Lindell (Sax)
Laszlo Szabo (drums)
Linder Rap
Leonard Hormann (piano)
Lily Marie Cook (voc)
Lucy Kucharco (piano, vibe)
Max Mares (KB, git)
Noah Frederick (TRP)