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Korneuburg Chamber of Commerce: almost four million euros recovered in 2023

Korneuburg Chamber of Commerce: almost four million euros recovered in 2023

More than 11,000 people sought help from Korneuburg Labor Chamber experts last year. The balance sheet was impressive: nearly four million euros were “won” for employees, and 60% of cases were settled out of court.

Region | City of Kornoburg. The concerns employees have toward the AKP are diverse, says AKP leader Alfred Jordaan.

“They range from five-minute appointments to complex interventions that can last several weeks. The focus here is primarily on terminating employment relationships and verifying invoices, wages and potential outstanding salaries.”

Have you ever asked for help from the workroom?

The fact that 60 percent of cases can be resolved out of court brings several advantages: the problem is resolved more quickly, while legal procedures often take a very long time. Plus, according to Jordan, many court cases end up settling anyway.

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Regional point of contact

With a wide range of services, the Chamber of Commerce sees itself as a direct point of contact in the region. From employment and social law issues to help with tax equalization to information about pensions and maternity leave – the scope is wide, “everything goes hand in hand for us,” says Jordan.
And speaking of the tax equation: last year, employee assessments were carried out for 578 employees of AK Korneuburg, which ultimately managed to recover almost 650,000 euros in excess taxes – an average credit of 1,124 euros per person.

Image: Pixabay (avatar)

This is how AK Korneuburg helps

A woman from Korneuburg had been working at a company for a year. One day she wasn't feeling well, but she still came to work. It got worse, and a visit to the doctor was necessary at lunchtime. The woman from Korneuburg immediately wrote that she was ill. Every attempt to reach his boss to inform him has failed. Eventually, the woman sent the sick note to her boss via WhatsApp, again with no response.
“This came two days later in the form of cancellation papers. The reason given was unauthorized early exit,” says expert Marion Claps. The woman tried to speak to her boss again, but was again unable to reach him.

“Fortunately, the woman then turned to us and we were able to obtain an additional sum of €5,500.”

Alfred Jordaens is convinced that this case clearly shows that going to the workroom is definitely worth it.

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Image: Pixabay (avatar)


Last year, 2023, we had to struggle primarily with major bankruptcies. They have also been very active when it comes to consumer protection, for example when it comes to changing gas or electricity providers. You also had to be active in the areas of housing law. This year the challenges look a little different.

“We are currently handling open salaries and advising on childcare and maternity leave at Shaheen.”

Klaps says.
And if you haven't done so yet: You can get the AKP childcare bonus of €150 in Lower Austria via the Employment Chamber's homepage – easily and without bureaucracy.

7,900 bankruptcies in Lower Austria

Last year, 156,000 consultations were carried out in the 21 regional offices of the Labor Chamber in Lower Austria, raising 90.1 million euros for employees. Experts had a lot to do when it came to bankruptcies, as in the case of Kika or Forstinger.

“We're recording a 153 percent increase here.”

AKP Vice Chairman Thomas Schäfer explains.
This makes it even more important for them to participate in the upcoming AKP elections from April 10 to 23, 2024. This is the only way to obtain the necessary support so that they can continue to provide all services to the current extent.

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