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Kultursommer Wien: festival with free admission

Kultursommer Wien: festival with free admission

© Summer Vienna Cultural

As of June 30, more than 500 works from the fields of contemporary cabaret, literature, music, performance, dance, theater and circus will be on the program in Kultursommer Wien. Among other things, there are pop-up stands all over the city, with the Wiener Symphoniker playing in Prater. Admission is free everywhere.

In the festival, which runs until August 13, various artists provide cultural entertainment every Thursday to Sunday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. In the morning there is a program for families and young people on specific days. Visitors can enjoy the shows and stay as long as they enjoy them. A new “Culture Summer Plus”, where culture is not just consumed, it is created. The entire program can be found below Vienna Cultural Summer.

Opening concerts with Wiener Symphoniker

The Wiener Symphoniker will provide a ceremonial opening at the Prater (Kaiserwiese, June 29 and 30, 7:30 p.m.). Visitors can enjoy signature music from operas and musicals to Wienerlied and pop. Under the musical direction of Dirk Kaftan, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, soprano Vera Löte Boecker and baritone Raphael Fingerlos follow the Vienna World’s Fair of 1873. Also in attendance is one of the highlights of contemporary Vienna: singer-songwriter Voodoo Jürgens.

Choir and brass band music at Ratosplatz

In cooperation with stadt wien marketing, the Kultursommer Wien organizes two musical evenings at the film festival: On July 15 (6:30 pm), the Vienna Boy Scout Fanfare, the Leopoldau Music Association with the Orange Corporation, the Vienna Academic Wind Philharmonic Orchestra and epicur bigband will perform arias Known in movies and on television. The next day, on July 16 (6:30 pm), the choral music continues for the big screen. Groove choir, femchor, Vienna University of Technology choir and Vienna Pop Choir on stage.

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Summer of Culture Plus: Workshops, Talks & Associates

For those who don’t just want to watch, but want to participate themselves, there are workshops, talks, and other hands-on formats on Summer of Culture Plus. Juggling with a circus group in a kaudawelsch, rapping with an AYE scene or exchanging songs with Tonica Hunter on a musical walk + – visitors can experience all this and much more in the interactive accompanying program. During the festival, the Kultursommer celebrates a children’s festival with a theater program and outdoor games every Saturday in cooperation with WIENXTRA-Ferienspiel.

Veronica Kaup-Hassler, a member of the City Council for Culture, is looking forward to this program: “What is new is the offer of not only consuming culture, but also making it yourself together with others. The cultural summer stages are ideal meeting places and important building blocks for our vision of art and culture for everyone. Because even with these Interactive shows for all generations, the motto is: Admission is free!” More information at Cultural Summer Plus

Pop-up platforms all over Vienna

Grätzel, in which the nine pop-up stages are located, is charming and offers a variety such as showers, playgrounds, sports fields as well as bars and pubs. In the summer, Vienna’s cultural summer complements the entertainment opportunities. Locals value cultural entertainment: a 2022 survey showed that 40% of visitors are from the neighborhood. Since this year the stages have been distributed exclusively to regions outside the belt:

  • Favorite Water Tower (10th District)
  • Herder Park (11th District)
  • Congress Park (16th ward)
  • Mortara Park (20th district)
  • Mühlichkel Park (21st District)
  • Meischlgasse ASK Erlaa (District 23)
  • Rethover Park (15th District)
  • Währinger Park (18th district)
  • Schrödingerplatz (22nd district)
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Garden parties in nursing homes

Retirees with live-in homes can experience the cultural summer in Vienna in their own garden. In all, there will be concerts in all 29 Lifetime Houses this year. “The atmosphere is unique. “When residents recognize the songs, first rock gently, and then sing at the end with great stimulation, it gives me goosebumps and it makes me proud of this project,” says Lukas Fosoughi, the park’s curator of concerts. For the first time this year, some parties in nursing homes are open to the public.