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Large-scale meta-analysis: Long Covid affects half of those who have recovered

Large-scale meta-analysis: Long Covid affects half of those who have recovered

Large-scale meta-analysis
Long Covid affects half of those who have recovered

Even after recovering from Covid 19, many people never feel well again. Researchers want to know how many people have recovered who have been affected by Long Covid and what symptoms they are experiencing, and provide insights.

Researchers from Penn State College of Medicine found that more than half of Covid-19 patients classified as recovered still had at least one symptom of prolonged Covid-19 after six months of illness. For the study, researchers analyzed data from a total of 250,351 unvaccinated adults and children diagnosed with Covid-19 between December 2019 and March 2021. The data comes from a total of 57 different reports, the researchers wrote, and 79 percent of those infected were hospitalized, and 79 percent of those screened were from high-income countries. in a message from Penn State University. The median age is given as 54 years. Additionally, 56 percent of sufferers are male.

For the meta-analysis, the researchers looked at patients’ health after Covid-19 over three time periods: first time, short-term, within a month, then medium-term, after two to five months, and finally long-term. After six months or more. They saw that more than half of those who recovered still had health problems. Anyone infected once still had at least one of the symptoms six months later.

From breathing difficulties to hair loss

Disabilities related to general health, mobility and patient organ systems. In relation to Covid-19, symptoms referred to as residual symptoms are also referred to as Post Covid or post-acute sequelae of Covid-19, PASC for short. But they are generally known as Long Covid. Residual symptoms also occur after another viral infection, such as the flu. However, after Covid-19, it appears to be heavier and longer lasting. The researchers wanted to know exactly how these people express themselves.

In their analysis, they found that more than half of the patients complained of weight loss, fatigue, fever or pain. Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems were the most common. Including chest and stomach pain and loss of appetite, with some experiencing diarrhea and vomiting. Lung abnormalities were seen on diagnostic imaging in six out of ten patients, and more than a quarter of them had difficulty breathing. Almost every fourth person who recovers from Covid-19 has difficulty concentrating. Almost every third patient was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Almost every fifth patient reported hair loss or a rash.

Paddy Ssingtongo who was also involved in the study, summarizes the results as well In “Jama” magazine They were published together.

Even if it is not yet clear how long COVID-19 disease occurs, researchers consider several possible routes. A virus or disease can cause a permanent disorder of the immune system, an underlying infection, or increased production of autoantibodies. It is also conceivable that the SARS-CoV-2 virus settles in the nervous system and thus leads to long-term symptoms such as disturbances of taste, smell, or attention, concentration and memory disturbances. However, there is no evidence of this yet.

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