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Last season of “DSDS” 2023 with Dieter Bohlen

Last season of “DSDS” 2023 with Dieter Bohlen

As a farewell, Dieter Bohlen will return to the jury after a year’s leave. Florian Silberisen, who took over as jury chairman last season, is no longer there. With him, RTL is developing new software formats. Bohlen’s comeback came as a surprise to many because “DSDS” and veteran juror Bohlen haven’t parted harmoniously in about a year and a half. However, viewers won’t experience the plank in the 20th edition, which will be shown in the spring of 2023. “A Dieter is a Dieter—that’s what it should be. He talks about tacheles, and he offends sometimes,” says RTL Managing Director Henning Tewes. .

“did not argue”

Bohlin said the show is part of his life. He, who often offended would-be German stars with his blunt style, would not do well: “If I had not been allowed to be the dieter as I am, I would not have said yes.” “We never argued. It was like a relationship, a lot of misunderstanding. Now we’ve talked a lot and I’ve always said I like doing ‘DSDS’ and RTL because it’s my first choice. That hasn’t changed,” Bohlin says of the temporary breakup. “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” is a pure emotion for him, an important part of his life: “It had to be like that to be a part of last season.”

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