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League tightens penalty for quarterback Watson

Cleveland Browns’ Deshaun Watson has been suspended for 11 games and fined $5 million. This was reported by many US media unanimously. An official statement from the National Football League (NFL) and the NFLPA Players Association is still pending. In a statement, the 26-year-old said he was happy the case had ended and thanked his club and apologized.

Going forward, he will focus on becoming the best version of himself on and off the field. The Cleveland Browns signed Watson, who denied all allegations, despite a potential suspension and awarded him a five-year, $230 million contract in March.

The NFL called for the punishment to be tightened

The NFL had allegedly requested a suspension of at least one season for Watson due to the allegations. 24 women have filed a civil lawsuit against Watson for sexual assault. The criminal case has already been settled, a Texas jury has waived an indictment.

Deshaun Watson (Cleveland Browns)

AFP/David Dermer

Watson last played for the Houston Texans, but was not used due to allegations last season. Meanwhile, he has agreed to a settlement with 20 women out of 24.

The NFL had appealed the initial six-game suspension for Watson. A former US federal judge issued the ruling. Nominated by the league and players union.

more in National Football League

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