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Legends Night: The Landeck City Library held a reading on May 26th

Legends Night: The Landeck City Library held a reading on May 26th

On the occasion of the centenary of Landeck, the book Legendary Landeck was published and premiered on 30 April at Landeck Castle. On May 26, the city library organized a reading session, which was attended by a large number of people.

Landeck. (Lizzy). 39 authors between the ages of 9 and 83, all related to Landeck, took part in this book project started by Dietmar Wachter. A 350-page book of legends has been created about the provincial capital of Landeck – just in time for the anniversary celebrations. “In the ancient and partly modern squares, I came across many ancient legends. On the other hand, I did not find any modern epics, ”recalls Dietmar Wachter, who then gave the initial spark. In the first step, about 50 topics that appeared in the Book of Legends are put into play, including the fire in the forest church, the discovery of mysterious millstones, the construction of a Capuchin monastery, but also the horrific case of a murdered girl, robbers found in the Burschlkirche or the skull in Tramser Weiher. “Then things picked up momentum on their own,” Wachter recalls, thanking the city of Landeck and the municipalities of Zaams and Grenz for the financial support. After the book premiere at Landeck Castle, a second issue followed on May 26, in which landlady Tina Cole-Zimmermann welcomed the fully occupied city bookstore.

Houngga, a murdered and eccentric girl

In contrast to the book premiere, this time the epics were read by their authors. Anita Maria Bernhardt of Imst was the first to do so – and was followed by Christoph Carotta, who read the legend of the “Old Owl from Schlosswaldelie”. Twin girls Leah and Laura Schatz from Bergen, who wrote the Christmas story for the Writers of Legends, also appeared before the audience, and Dorly Zobel was also one of the authors. Greta Vöhl introduced the story of the Cuckoo Forest, the former mayor of Zammer Helmut Gstir also went between the book and explained in his story why Zammer is called “Houngga”. “The Ghost of the Past” is the name of the legend of Gerda Bernhardt from Emst, and it is about a girl who was murdered in the 1950s. Maria Trogir read “The Legend of the Miracle Berries” and Burkhard Zobel discussed Hard Nights. As an apparition “Der Murmel-Pauli” was there to be heard. By the way, the initiator Dietmar Wachter also published his stories written in the book. Hermann König was responsible for the musical accompaniment on his accordion. More readings are planned, including one in Zammer Lochbutz on 22 June. The exhibition will be opened by Eric Horvath on June 2 at the Landeck City Library – Marie-Louise Hebescher will be reading “Landeck’s Diaries,” starting at 7 p.m.

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