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Lichao: View of the Charamel and Klang Festival

Lichao: View of the Charamel and Klang Festival

The Schrammel.Klang.Festival will take place from 7-9 and 14-16 July 2023 in Lichau, around Herrensee.

lichao. The first weekend of the Schrammelklang Festival has a small focus on Klezmer and its Viennese specifics. “Mandys Mischpoche” will start on Saturday morning, when Viennese songs and Klezmer instrumental pieces are expected in many languages ​​(Yiddish, Sephardic, Croatian, Bosnian, Turkish, Greek) and musical styles.

The “Pleyte Trio” will reveal Yiddish vocal poetry on Schrammel’s track. It will thus lead to the “Vienna Klezmore Orchestra”, which will invade the Herrenseetheater at the end of its first weekend. The group of nine international musicians represents vibrant world music combined with jazz and the familiar old Klezmer sounds.

Karl Markovic |  Photo: Til Bronner

Between them is Karl Markovics with “Tiere allestiere” – stories about the animal world in a musical dialogue with “Neue Wiener Concert Schrammeln”. In addition, the festival will be opened by a young group of seven musicians: “Differinen”, who have dedicated themselves to the melodies of Viennese music. There is a hearty concert with the best of “Proletenpassion” by Beatrix Nundlinger and Georg Herrnstadt with multi-instrumentalist Peter Marnall.

on Cheer Tracks in its second weekend

The “Trio Lepschi Quintet” opens on the evening of Friday 14 July on the main stage at the Herrenseetheater. On Saturday evening, the Neue Wiener Schremmeln party with Ernst Molden will be in the mood for this year’s jubilee, Peter Havlicek, who turns 60. Havlicek’s birthday mash-up will be celebrated with musician friends and buddies on Sunday morning at the Herrenseetheater.

Peter Havlicek |  Photo: Stefan Mosel

The famous night trip through the night Litschau and the surrounding area takes place on Saturday, July 15th from 11:30 pm and ends with a concert by “KK-Strings”.

Shaml of the heart

At Schrammel.Klang Festival. Festival 17th, natural theaters will be used in Schrammel.Path in the woods around Herrensee with experimental and traditional music. The Schrammel.Pfad takes place on weekends, Saturday and Sunday, from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This year you can hear for the first time: Kopf oder Zahel, Großmütterchen Hatz tanzt, Krawattl Tenöre, Texas Schrammeln, Verena Göltl & Andreas Heidecker, Vorstadtkollektiv, Neuklangschrammeln and many others. Well-known and proven are: Bratfisch, Wiener Brut, Duo Horacek & Bibl, Klangviertl, Agnes Palmisano, Cremser Selection, Wiener Art Schrammeln, Cobario, 16er Buam, Duo Stickler-Koschelu, Kollegium Kalksburg, Duo Havlicek-Hohenberchiger, Trio Léenepener Schrammeln Party and many more others.

Manuel Horak |  Photo: Julia Dragosits

The artist-in-residence at this year’s festival is Manuel Horac. He is involved in many arts – be it drawing, animation or directing. In August, he can also be seen at the Hin & Weg Theater Festival with two projects.

Schmankerlgasse: innovations in gastronomy

There are a lot of new features in the festival center on Litschau lido. The main gastronomy consists of several different delicacies and offerings that are delicious and fresh for appetites large and small. There will also be a “Guade Nochd-Hüttn” for people who are hungry late. At Schmankerlgasse there is plenty of regional food, sweet and sour, hot and cold, meat and vegetarian, clear and sparkling.


Between festival weekends, workshops will take place again from July 11-13, featuring musicians Peter Havlicek, Trud Holzer, Rudi Kosciello, Heinz Deitch, Peter Ohler and Walther Soyka. After a successful first edition last year, the Children’s Musical Theater Workshop will be held again with Angelica Steinbach-Dietsch and Florian Possel.


On Sunday, July 9th, the Schrammel.Express will cruise through the unique landscapes of Waldviertel and accompany you from Gmünd to Litschau to the festival. Schrammel music accompanies passengers during the meditative journey.

Schrammel.Klang.Festival is also a green event and bears the Austrian Eco-Label. Due to the fact that tickets are limited in order to create a relaxed atmosphere, the organizer recommends that you book in advance at the right time, which has already begun.

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