
Complete News World

Light and shadow in the land of boundless difficulties

Light and shadow in the land of boundless difficulties

A crowded train in Ghaziabad

A modern high speed train line will be built in the city soon.

(Photo: Reuters)

New Delhi India makes itself pretty for the Federal Chancellor: the access road to the company’s site in the southern Indian city of Bangalore was freshly paved two days before Olaf Scholz’s visit, so that the journey there would be less bumpy for him and his trade delegation.

Authorities in the country of 1.4 billion see an opportunity to make a good impression on India’s main trading partner in Europe – and it appears to be working. On Sunday, the politician from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) raved about the “high-tech country of India” and the “wonderful skills” he showed during visits to his company.

The Chancellor sees huge potential in India for the German economy: in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the day before he announced the expansion of German investments in the country and was convinced that German companies would “significantly” increase the number of their employees in India.

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