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Lindner was re-elected president of the German Free Democratic Party “

Lindner was re-elected president of the German Free Democratic Party “

The 42-year-old was also elected as the Liberal’s best candidate in the federal election on September 26.

4:46 PM, May 14, 2021

Christian Lindner
Christian Lindner © dpa-Zentralbild / Britta Pedersen

The head of the German Free Democratic Party, Christian Lindner, was installed in his office by a large majority. At the Liberals’ Digital Federalist Congress, Lindner received the election Friday 534 delegates voted, 31 against and 11 abstained. And so she agreed 93 percent. The 42-year-old was also elected as the Liberal’s best candidate in the federal election on September 26.

Lindner has been party leader since December 2013. He assumed the presidency of the Free Democratic Party after the liberals had missed the Bundestag elections the same year. In 2017, he again led the party to Parliament.

Ten to twelve percent in opinion polls

The FDP is currently rated 10 to 12 percent in surveys and is being counted Opportunities to participate in government after the federal election. “I’ve never been more excited than now to get the leadership of the FDP back into design responsibility,” Lindner said at the start of the party convention in front of a total of 662 digitally linked delegates. “We know there was nothing more to do now. Now it is time to act,” he said of the party’s demand for leadership. At the same time, he stressed, “With the FDP in government, there will be no increase in the burden on employees and companies. Everyone can count on that. We have already shown that we mean to work.”

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The liberals want to decide on their platform at the party convention scheduled for Sunday. Under the heading “There was nothing more to do,” the FDP focuses on Germany’s economic recovery after the pandemic. The goals are to enhance competitiveness and invest in the education system and infrastructure, particularly with the aim of digitization. Medium-sized businesses, the self-employed, and startups should be exempt from bureaucracy.