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Linz Airport is fighting for passengers

Linz Airport is fighting for passengers


Linz Airport is fighting for passengers, but the result is good for air freight. 207,766 passengers were handled in Hörsching (Linz-Land region) in 2022. This tripled the number of passengers compared to the previous year, but still lags behind pre-pandemic times.

In the passenger area, the volume is down from that of 2019, when 436,018 passengers used Linz Airport. Last year, 80,428 people were provided with regular services, 125,419 traveled on vacation and 1,919 people. I had to dodge through Linz.

Scheduled services are only recovering slowly

After the first quarter, which was still dominated by Covid-19, the demand for holiday trips increased significantly from the second quarter. “Charter travel has really developed better than we originally expected,” says Norbert Draskovets, managing director of the airport. Scheduled traffic also gradually recovered, “but then slowed again due to handling problems at the major hub airports.”

Departure hall at Linz Airport

Blue Danube Airport Linz

Currently, charter traffic carries passengers in particular to Linz.

Charter flights as a beacon of hope

Passenger numbers are expected to increase this year, especially on weekend trips. The charter program includes destinations in Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Spain. European Air Charter will once again install an Airbus 320 with 180 seats in Linz. In regular air traffic, demand for the Frankfurt Line is expected to continue to recover. The connection to Dusseldorf – currently via Frankfurt – is shaky. The airport is in extensive talks with the Lufthansa Group, to which the AUA belongs, in order to reconnect with the destination as quickly as possible.

Luger: “There’s still a lot to do” on scheduled services

On scheduled services, “there is still a lot to be done so that we can return to the pre-crisis level. However, it should also be noted that we depend on the decisions of the Star Alliance Group in this area of ​​​​business and, unfortunately, management has little leeway.” “. Linz.

Cargo traffic has been expanded by bringing in more frequencies

In air freight, the airport achieved its second best annual result with 55,429 tons, after 2021’s 62,600 tons. According to district councilor Markus Achleitner (ÖVP), who represents the state as the owner, Linz is the leading federal cargo airport in the state and has got a new connection between Madrid and Linz. The decision was taken to “continue to invest in the freight sector and thus strengthen the second pillar of the company in the long term”.

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