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Litschau Festival – Schrammel Klang: A walk in the country

Litschau Festival – Schrammel Klang: A walk in the country

“Schrammelstadt” once again features Schrammel’s music: for the 16th time, “Schrammel.Klang.Festival” is being held in Herrensee, even if the headline has been lost this year: Willi Resetarits should have made up the first weekend with his music projects. So short-term program changes were necessary, but the audience still came in droves.

At the opening by initiator Zino Stanek on July 8, the focus was on the music: Stanek said in his speech that he did not want to overburden the audience, and therefore thanked the whole team and all festival partners warmly and quickly. Member of Parliament Edward Cook opened the festival, but there was bound to be time for generous praise for Stanek: “It’s remarkable what has developed here culturally.”

Jazz, folk songs and world music

And the stage was free for music again: Jelena Popržan Quartet – made up of Jelena Popržan, Christoph Pepe Auer, Clemens Sainitzer and Lina Neuner – was rewarded with plenty of applause for her performances on violin, clarinet, cello and double bass, among others.

On Saturday, the versatile quartet was also on “Schramlpwad” for the Herenci Experience: Jelena Popran received poems for Polish resistance Tamar Radzner on music, including the poem “Advice to the Daughter”: “Believe, life is a walk in the country.” There, it was said. Perhaps this was less of a problem at Shramil Klang than when the poet was alive. In general, there was also a lot of jazz and folklore to be heard this year, for example by the “Tori Trio” about the Slovenian Gor Tori, who played at the opening on Friday and at Schrammelpfad on Saturday. Also in “Satuo” folk met tango, bluegrass, or trapeze, with singer Laura Maria Korhonen’s voice slightly electronically amplified on the natural stage.

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The sound of a cappella boy band “Gesangskapelle Hermann” was heard on Saturday for the second time ever with the effective but highly reserved accompaniment of the duo “Strickler & Koschelu”.

Another program

It continues next weekend with a concert by Philipp Lingg & Band on Friday and lots of Viennese humor by Katrina Strasser on Saturday. Additionally, Hans Theessink meets Karl Ritter and guitarist Alex Miksch designed The Night Walk. On Sunday, the Balkan wind band Fanfare Ciocărlia is sure to really come alive.