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Lots of new offers!  FM4 chart from October 3

Lots of new offers! FM4 chart from October 3

From October 3, there will be new programs on FM4 Radio and wherever you can listen to FM4.

We start the fall with a lot of new comics (Fitness Show, Happy Hour), a lot of information and education (The Professor and the Wolfand of course the passionMusic podcast And the early twentieth). For those who get up especially early, there’s now an hour before the morning show FM4 dawn And in the afternoon the new magazine appears OKFM4 With reports, interviews, popular culture and analytics.


Watch the sunrise: getting up just got easier with FM4 Dawn. Before Kipferl on the FM4 Morning Show, there’s now an extra hour of FM4 Dawn!

  • Monday – Friday, 5:00 – 6:00

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Comedies, quizzes, dating and sarcasm: one hour of the best entertainment with Roland Gratzer and Hannes Duscher.

  • From Monday to Friday, 13:00 – 14:00

Sounds like FM4

Selected music and the day’s hottest topics to accompany you throughout the afternoon.

  • From Monday to Friday, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Well, two letters, many meanings. Agreeing too much ecstasy translates to depressed knowledge. In any case, we remain stable and stable in the yellow zone. News, stories and flavor of the day – Monday from Friday We look at current events and what’s happening in the world and in the world of FM4 today. We provide the bigger picture behind the headlines, scouring the social media stream to discover the most relevant or interesting pearls. OKFM4 speaks English and German, depending on how the beak grows.

  • Monday to Friday, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

The Professor and the Wolf

Armin Wolf and University Prof. Dr. Peter Filzmaier takes more time than usual in the relaxed atmosphere of FM4 studios to talk about politics and how it works in Austria.

happy hour

Primetime comedy on FM4 with stand-up stage and the latest comedians from social media and real life. We give Austrian New Comedy and Young People a stage and show how big and diverse the new cabaret and comedy generation is in Austria.

If You Want To Hear, You Have To Feel – FM4 Music Podcast

Music is one of the most important things in the world – which is why it should be talked about. Christoph Sebin and guests from the pop world talk about new music, big trends, current pop news, and of course their feelings about music. Because if you want to hear, you have to feel.


Functionst and Beware’s popular DJ mix show moves into the Friday evening main and runs to three hours. The weekend starts here!

FM4 sessions

Austrian and international musicians have been playing exclusive sessions in FM4 studios for many years. Everything is possible, from intimate vocal performances to grand operas in collaboration with RSO Vienna in the great broadcasting hall. Saturday is now set to be the date of the best sessions we’re currently recording, along with the best cuts from the vast archive that FM4 has created over the years.

Favorite songs

In this new interview show, musicians talk about formative moments and the songs that accompany them.

early twentieth

How do you know what you want to do next? Which way do you want to go? The film “Beginning of the Twenty” depicts young people on their exciting paths in life and in their own careers. For example, how does one become a chef in a “star restaurant”? How to get 300k followers on Tiktok? What does the daily life of a wedding planner look like? Pauline Bender meets people who talk about their lives and how they got there.

See also  Franz Dunkelmayr's Alpine Interpretation of Southern Classicism

New program outline at a glance

program outline

Radio FM4