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MA 2412 Retired Officers Return Early in 2023

MA 2412 Retired Officers Return Early in 2023

Perhaps the country’s shyest civil servants – known from “MA 2412” – are returning to television with two specials: “Weber und Breitfuss” Alfred Dorfer and Roland Düringer both retire early and despite their hatred cannot be separated from one another. Weber is now wearing a gray mullet, and Brittfus is still wearing a wig. The characters are aging but still the same, Düringer said at a press conference on Tuesday. possible sequel.

“If you look at Terence Hill and Bud Spencer and there’s no fight, I’m disappointed,” Düringer said of the former official’s persistence. However, the Vienna Christmas decorating office, where the two were about to get hurt, no longer existed. Thus, Santa Claus “Mr. Claus” is missing. “It has to do with what happens to them when they are not with MA 2412,” explained Harald Sicherheititz, who directed not only the new films, but also the series that ended in 2002 and the film associated with it. The films were shot in Lower Austria and Vienna until recently and are expected to be shown on ORF 1 in 2023.

Dorfer said the impetus for the comeback was a “romantic story.” He was sitting with Düringer in a cafe in Linz when young men asked her for an autograph for ‘MA 2412’. “They weren’t even born when we filmed it,” Dorver says, realizing the significance of the series. Düringer and Sicherheitz are also convinced of the chain’s immortality. It won’t be a simple remake though: No more fake laughs, no longer a comedy series, but two 45-minute standalone movies.

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According to Sicherheititz, both the ordinary and the absurd bring the “losers” together again. In the first film they find themselves up against the totalitarian regime of a rehab clinic, and in the second film they meet as extras in the B horror film. They did not want to heed current calls for political correctness. “Satire loses its justification completely when it becomes politically correct,” Dorfer said. In a third film initially planned in the style of science fiction, the former officials had to be re-educated as they address a wishing lady with “girl” and “miss.”

Dürfer and Düringer wrote screenplays for three films, only two of which could be achieved with producer ORF, Düringer said. But it’s up to the actors, it’s not over yet. They have plenty of other ideas for the meetings between Weber and Brettfuss: the two could meet again during a driver’s license refresher course, but also due to a meeting between their anonymous spouses.

Düringer could imagine a movie series in which each movie is different and takes place in a different environment. Sicherheititz, who described himself as “The Midwife,” said he only did the first two episodes, and another director will likely run for the next title. Düringer is convinced that the potential new aspects “from the outside” are an added value. A group of actors can appear repeatedly in different roles. Essentially, the “MA 2412” complement should still be something special; “It’s special when it’s rare,” Düringer said. For example, films can flash across screens once every three months on special days – such as Easter or a national holiday.

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Dorfer said filming the first two films was very funny, but also stressful. Only eight days of filming were available for each episode. It’s been years since he laughed as much as he laughed at the set, said Sicherheititz, who could hardly imagine “that people don’t like it.” In addition to Dorfer and Düringer, there will be “Frau Knackal” Monica Weinzettl – now, according to Sicherheititz, the “Old Elder Blonde”, Andrea Handler, Eva Belisic, Nina Bruhl, David Jacob, Julia Edtmer, Roland Benzinger, Johannes Silberschneider and Ant My light.