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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – New tracks and characters for the summer

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – New tracks and characters for the summer

Learn all about the upcoming content coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, including new tracks and characters in Wave 5.

Are you ready for exciting new content in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? the “Passing the Booster Course – Wave 5” Just around the corner and he will bring exciting innovations in the summer of 2023.

New ways for more racing fun: With wave 5 it would be the sum 8 new modes Added to the popular kart racing game. This will be 2 different cups swears. What’s particularly exciting is that one of these tracks will be completely new. The name of this track is “Squeaky Clean Sprint” and it promises a unique racing adventure. Immerse yourself in a miniature world in a full-size bath. The path takes you through a maze of bathtub filled with water, toilet, table fan and much more.

New characters to define the race: In addition to the new methods, 3 new characters Added to the game. We have already made assumptions based on previous reports, and these assumptions have now been confirmed.

New characters for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

The three returnees are Petit PiranhaAnd wobbling And cam. They will add to the already wide range of playable characters. Check out the trailer below for a first look at these new characters and the new path.

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The best-selling Nintendo Switch game has a huge following and is constantly supported with new content to keep the gaming experience fresh and exciting.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Available now for Nintendo Switch. The fourth wave of the Booster Course Pass was released in March 2023.