LEGO premiered the recently announced expansion to the popular LEGO Super Mario series at gamescom in Cologne. Six new Mario Kart sets bring Nintendo’s popular racing game to the world of LEGO bricks for the first time. Combining digital and physical play, the sets give fans the chance to create their own exciting race tracks featuring beloved characters such as Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Toad, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi and Baby Peach.
The new sets feature all-new karts and track elements that let you create your own Mario Kart tracks on any surface. To intensify the gaming experience, fans can incorporate LEGO Mario, LEGO Luigi or LEGO Peach into their Mario Kart sets. These characters then activate iconic sound and visual effects from the game, such as race starts, kart drifts and item box clearing, earning additional coins and points.
All new LEGO Super Mario Mario Kart products will be available worldwide from January 1, 2025 via, LEGO Stores and select retailers.
LEGO X Mario Kart Trailer
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