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Mario Strikers: Battle League Football Overview Trailer Released

new video (Finally translated from Japanese) displays new game mechanics and gives insight into new game scenes from Mario Strikers: Battle League Soccer.

The ball is rolling again in the Mushroom Kingdom!

in sport strike, a game like soccer – if football has no rules or referees, eight players – four on each team, reinforced by a goalkeeper – makes the playing field unsafe locally on a console or online against each other. The new video shows off several new features as well as action on the pitch, however, there are still no signs of more than well-known playable characters on the horizon.

Mario is finally back on the football field!

at Mario Streakers Mario, Beach, Donkey Kong, Todd and other characters from the Mushroom Kingdom compete. Unfortunately, we still do not see a similar large group as with Mario Tennis or Mario Golf to play. Hope finally dies, but it looks like the character variety will be limited to ten this time around – which, of course, would be a shame.

In addition to powerful shots, brains also depend on the pitch – with skillful team intervention, greater distances can be quickly overcome, clearing an opponent out of the way or grabbing a hit ball. The latter enables an aesthetic shot, which brings two points of blow. Another peculiarity: Errors are present in strike Simply no – what is fun (and goals) is allowed.

But in the absence of rules, your protection is of course everything and its end. The principle of the game is easy to learn, but also allows the use of complex strategies. Characters can be equipped with luxurious equipment to change their stats, such as speed and strength. This means that all athletes can be individually adapted and grouped together to form a unique team.

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In online mode attackers club Nintendo fans can gather their friends. Here they have the opportunity to start their own club with a total of 20 members or join an existing club.

Super Mario Shot

The kick-off of speed turf will be on June 10, when Mario Strikers: Battle League Soccer Exclusively for Nintendo Switch.