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May 11th: The Sea of ​​Thieves hunt for collectors begins

May 11th: The Sea of ​​Thieves hunt for collectors begins

On May 11th, the Collector’s Hunt event begins in Sea of ​​Thieves. Chase is the second mystery event in the hacker game from XBox Game Studios. In these scavenger hunt games, players have to find clues directly in the game, but also outside, for example on the web, in order to solve the current puzzle. While there were only in-game prizes in the first part, which started in September 2022, physical prizes are now available as well. The first prize is a replica of the “Gold Hoarder Skull” with four golden keys. The second place winners will receive 10 silver keys and the 100 third place winners will receive medals. Anyone else who makes the top players list will be rewarded with in-game items.

Anyone wishing to participate can register from May 11 on a website that will be posted on that day. There, participants receive tips that lead them to “weird places on the Internet”. If you find the right clues, you can decrypt a password that you can use to start a journey in the game. Those who pass it have completed the first of four stages. All four begin with a bonus game scavenger hunt and end with a trip in the Sea of ​​Thieves.

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