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Mayhem of Routes and Monsters Feature Debut – July 24, 2023

Mayhem of Routes and Monsters Feature Debut – July 24, 2023

  1. in the game
  2. Gaming news


from: Noah Struthoff

New week, new luck in Pokémon GO. On July 24, 2023, a new Roads feature will cause mayhem and new Pokémon will enter the game.

SAN FRANCISCO — There’s a lot more coming again this week in Pokémon GO. New events, Pokemon and features are in the room and need explaining. We’ll recap the new updates of the day here each day and give you top tips on current events. Adventure Week is approaching and there are still a lot of discussions about the new road feature. Here is a great overview.

The name of the game Pokemon GO
Version (date first published) 06 July 2016
Publishers niantic
series Pokemon
platforms Android and iOS
Developer niantic
Type Augmented reality, mobile

Pokémon GO: News on 07/24/2023 – Adventure Week, Route Feature, Mega Tyranitar

What are the important events today? Today is the last day of the Routes event in Pokémon GO. Until 20:00 local time, you can take advantage of event rewards and catch Pokemon such as Fukano, Ponyta and Dodu especially often. You can also find all event details here: Pokémon GO: New Grounds event with Zygarde unlocks routes and rewards

However, there is currently some confusion about the track feature. Trainers complain that the Zygarde cells you get from the road don’t multiply enough. Tips and tricks are being diligently shared here. How exactly do you get Zygarde cells, we explain here: Pokémon GO: Find Zygarde cells and use cubes – this is how you change the shape

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Otherwise, the week starts off much quieter. But you can already look forward to the coming days. Adventure week is upon us, and Mega Tyranitar is making its in-game debut. There is also a new raid boss.

Mayhem of Routes and Monsters Feature Debut – July 24, 2023
Pokémon GO News July 2023 © Niantic / (Montage)

Pokémon GO: News on July 24, 2023 – A quick overview of all the upcoming events

These events are coming this week: There’s a lot going on in Pokémon GO this week. In addition to Spotlight and Raid Hours, there is a new event, new Pokemon, and a new Raid Boss. Here is an overview:

From July 25th to August 4th Level 5 raids with Regidrago and mega raids with Tyranitar
July 25, 2023 | 6:00 PM (local time) Luminous Clock with Magnuior
July 26, 2023 | 6:00 PM (local time) Watch raid with Regidrago
July 27 to August 2 Adventure week
July 30, 2023 | 2:00 PM (local time) Community Day with Quapsel

Adventure Week in particular should be an exciting event. Powerful spawns await you here again, and it’s worth it if you move through the area and discover new ones. You can find all the details about the event here: Pokémon GO: Adventure Week Don’t miss out on these awesome touches and rewards