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Me Group is expanding to Carinthia with self-service washing stations

Me Group is expanding to Carinthia with self-service washing stations

Headquartered in Epsom, UK, the Me Group has expanded since the 1960s and now has offices in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Germany, France and Austria. It all started with photo booths at train stations. Meanwhile, the Me Group has diversified with a range of devices for immediate service, including the well-known children’s mini-game: fast ‘driving’ in front of shops for one euro. The company’s shares have been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 1962. According to its own information, it currently operates 43,900 unattended machines worldwide.

In other countries, the Me Group has recently done well with outdoor washing machines. It has already been prepared 7,500 times throughout Europe outdoors. Now the group, which has its headquarters in Austria in Korneauborg, brings the product and its services to Carinthia. This week self-service washing machines, called “Revolution Laundrys”, were installed in Klagenfurt (Lagerhaus gas station, Rudolfsbahngortel), Eberndorf (Lagerhaus gas station), Vornitz (Loading Garden Kager Ionity) and Villach. (Lagerhaus gas station).Taj Al-Balad. They are already “on duty”.

My group photo booth. “I found a new place” for Ebern
© Mai Group

You pay – about eight euros – in cash or credit card, and put the laundry – up to 20 kilos – in the washing machine. When you’re done, you send an SMS.

According to Jasmine Leitner from Me Group Austria, the business idea has the advantage of being able to wash relatively large pieces of laundry. Rugs, curtains, horse blankets or pillows for garden furniture. This is around the clock. “It’s a new niche.” You don’t see yourself in competition with the laundromats. The washing station is constantly maintained and uses eco-friendly, hypoallergenic detergents.

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