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Media: Johansson sues Disney’s ‘Black Widow’ star نجم

Media: Johansson sues Disney’s ‘Black Widow’ star نجم

Scarlett Johansson, 36, is suing US entertainment giant Disney in a dispute over her new movie “Black Widow,” US media reported today. According to the Wall Street Journal, the actress filed a breach of contract lawsuit in Los Angeles.

It is directed against the simultaneous release of the Marvel movie “Black Widow” in cinemas and on the Disney + streaming platform. The Hollywood star claims that this simultaneous start violated contractual agreements. She was promised an exclusive on-screen movie release, and her earnings depended on cinema revenue.

The movie “Black Widow” was released on July 9 in US theaters and at the same time on Disney +. Johansson previously played the “Black Widow” character from the Marvel universe several times, but this was her first solo film about a combat agent. The film, directed by Australian Kate Shortland, tells the story of Natasha Romanoff, the spy known as the Black Widow.

More and more studios are adopting the new marketing strategy to simultaneously release films on screen and across broadcast. It used to take weeks or months for the movie to be available on home screens after it opened in theaters.

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