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Meeting Point – Fifth Ensemble Singing – Star Tenor in Rubrichshofen

Meeting Point – Fifth Ensemble Singing – Star Tenor in Rubrichshofen


Michael Lensbauer, Justus Zinn, Anya Mittermüller, Michael Schade, Adi Tremmel, Leopold Gruber Döberer and Johannes Scherendel (from left) at the Randhartinger Serenade in Ruprechtshofen.


DrThe Ruprechtshofen ballroom was sold out to the last seat – and there was good reason for that at the 5th Lower Austria State Randhartinger Serenade in Ruprechtshofen.

Star tenor Michael Scheid and the ambitious young mezzo-soprano from Lower Austria Anja Mittermüller, brilliantly accompanied by Justus Zinn on piano, brought works by Randartinger, Brahms, Schubert and Schumann to G. Ur. The enthusiastic audience thanked the musicians for the wonderful performance and the carefully selected program with a standing ovation.

The concert was held for the fifth time as part of the Serenades of Lower Austria in the birthplace of composer Benedict Randhartinger. The composer, singer and later court conductor Benedikt Randhartinger was born in Rubrichshofen in 1802. He died at the Erbarhaus in Vienna in 1893 and left behind some 2,200 works. Among his compositions, the emphasis is on vocal creativity – his songs and church music.

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