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Mexico and the United States qualify for the World Cup in the playoffs in Costa Rica, Qatar.

Mexico and the United States qualify for the World Cup in the playoffs in Costa Rica, Qatar.

Mexico, along with Canada and the United States, have qualified for the World Cup for the eighth year in a row and are in a tank on Friday draw.

The team beat El Salvador 2-0 to top the Concacaf table.United StatesSecond, the United States lost 2-0 to Costa Rica in its last qualifying round, but Russia were level on points after missing out in 2014 and advanced beyond their rivals playing in Qatar. In the playoffs, Costa Rica face New Zealand, who beat the Solomon Islands in the Oceania qualifying round.

Over the weekend, Canada qualified for the World Cup for the first time since 1986 and for the second time in its history after a 1-0 draw in Panama. The Canadians were also team winners due to a significantly higher goal difference.

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Image by Oliver Parker

Oliver Parker

Est né in Bristol and a Grande in Southampton. It’s the baccalaureate’s competitiveness and economics and economics of finance and economics at the University of Southampton. 34 days ago and at Midanbury, Southampton.

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