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Microsoft is experimenting with a Start menu.

Microsoft is experimenting with a Start menu.

The Windows 11 Insider Program is Microsoft’s playground for testing new features in beta builds of its latest operating system. After recently introducing a new “Category” option in the “All apps” section of the Windows 11 Start menu, Latest Windows Discovered, the website now offers a new view where each large box can display multiple app icons in a category.

The new display is reminiscent of the Live Tiles from Windows Phone and Apple iOS/iPadOS.

The inspiration for this new folder display may have come from the Live Tiles folders of the Windows Phone mobile operating system, which haven’t been further developed in several years. Apple later introduced a similar feature as the App Library in iOS and iPadOS. In the Windows 11 beta, the new categories are divided into folders like Music, Navigation, or Entertainment, and each program is displayed with smaller app icons inside the corresponding category folder.

In the beta builds of the Windows 11 Insider Program, Microsoft also tested a so-called grid layout, which displays installed programs sorted by the first letter in a grid. While there is already an alphabetical sorting of programs across the “All apps” list, this is a long list, while the grid layout displays many apps next to each other and thus saves more space. However, it is still unclear whether the new features will make it to the final release of Windows 11.

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source: Latest Windows via Golem