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Monitoring progress towards meeting commitments to reduce premature deaths from non-communicable diseases

Monitoring progress towards meeting commitments to reduce premature deaths from non-communicable diseases

Representatives of selected Member States from the WHO European Region participating in the joint actions (see below), as well as representatives of research institutions, civil society, youth and other relevant stakeholders, will meet in Brussels to monitor progress towards achieving the previously identified global NCD review targets, including achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.4.1 – to reduce premature deaths from NCDs by one third by 2030 – and the voluntary global NCD targets by 2025.

Recognizing the synergies that exist in the prevention and control of NCDs, the WHO/Europe and EU initiatives “Joint Action on Preventing NCDs” (JA PreventNCD) and “Joint Action on Combating Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes (JACARDI)” are planning a joint event on 10 September 2024 in Brussels, focusing on monitoring the implementation of NCD-related commitments in all EU Member States and other countries participating in the joint actions.

The event aims to facilitate discussions between representatives of national Ministries of Health, health authorities and focal points dealing with the prevention and control of NCDs in EU countries, as well as relevant experts and stakeholders involved in NCD surveillance. In addition, the event serves as a preparatory stage for the 4th High-level Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, to be held in September 2025.

The aim of this event is to promote a more coordinated and effective approach to NCD surveillance systems in EU Member States. The aim of the conference is to:

  • Review the progress made by EU Member States and other countries participating in JA PreventNCD and JACARDI towards achieving the NCD-related Sustainable Development Goals, global targets on NCDs and indicators to monitor progress;
  • Sharing best practices and success stories from countries in addressing NCD risk factors and implementing WHO Promising Actions on NCDs (WHO Best Buys);
  • Identify key challenges and opportunities for improving monitoring indicators for global NCD targets;
  • To study the role of the JA PreventNCD and JACARDI initiatives in supporting EU Member States to strengthen an integrated NCD surveillance system in order to improve NCD prevention and control in all EU Member States;
  • Discuss ways to enhance collaboration between WHO/Europe, Joint Action and other relevant actors in the field of surveillance, monitoring, prevention and control of NCDs; and
  • To discuss how meeting participants can help strengthen leadership in the fight against NCDs and contribute to the success of the Fourth UN High-level Meeting on NCDs in September 2025.
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