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Monkey hemorrhagic fever virus: Researchers warn of rising number of Ebola-like viruses in monkeys

Monkey hemorrhagic fever virus: Researchers warn of rising number of Ebola-like viruses in monkeys

Monkey hemorrhagic fever virus causes Ebola-like symptoms in monkeys. So far, no one has contracted the virus. But researchers are now warning of a possible and rapid transmission to humans.

Coronaviruses have shown how quickly they can spread around the world. Researchers are now warning of the spread of another type of virus that was previously only found in monkeys: Crimean hemorrhagic fever.virus (SHFV). The scientists published their results in the journal.cell“.

Researchers warn of transmission to humans: Monkey Hemorrhagic Fever virus found in monkeys

The research team found that the hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) bypasses the immune system, similar to what is believed to be the case of HIV. Similarities between this virus and monkey viruses that cause HIVpandemic Study author Professor Cody Warren said HIV first evolved in a species of chimpanzee in Africa. “This animal virus has figured out how to get into human cells, replicate itself, and evade some of the important immune mechanisms we expect to protect ourselves from an animal virus. This is very rare,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Sarah Sawyer.

By developing tests and monitoring the virus, the researchers said, “the global health community can prevent another pandemic.”
Experts at the University of Colorado Boulder are sounding the alarm because SHFV is “human compatible.”

No human infections: infection with Ebola-like virus is often fatal

Infection with the virus in macaques is often fatal within two weeks. They experience Ebola-like symptoms, such as fever, bleeding, loss of appetite, and fluid buildup in body tissues. So far, no infection has been found in humans.

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MHF virus was first detected in captive macaques

Monkey hemorrhagic fever virus is a synthetic virus. They occur in pigs, horses, and monkeys. However, according to the researchers, little research has been done on them in primates. Many African monkeys carry a high viral load. In most cases there are no symptoms. What science has yet to discover is the original host of the virus. Monkey hemorrhagic fever virus erupted in captive macaque colonies in the early 1960s. In 1964, researchers sequenced the virus after it appeared at the same time in laboratories in the United States and Russia.

Read also: Deadly viruses are coming! Is humanity facing the next pandemic?

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