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MSF rescued 470 people from boats in the Mediterranean

MSF rescued 470 people from boats in the Mediterranean

People have been taken to safety on the Geo Barents, and the “Sea Watch 4” and “Sea-Eye 4” are also awaiting permission to dock.

the organization the doctors without border It rescued 470 migrants from the Mediterranean this week. On Thursday, people were safe aboard the “Geo Barents”, which sailed from the Libyan coast towards Sicily. There, the aides are waiting for a safe haven to be set up so they can bring people to shore. This often takes several days.

“In the past three days, we have saved 470 people from drowning in the Mediterranean,” the organization wrote on Twitter. The night before, relief operations in the Maltese search and rescue area ended, but the smallest country in the European Union did not intervene. Marine lifeguards have long criticized Malta for not helping refugee boats.

Auch die Schiffe “Sea Watch 4” des Berliner Vereins Sea-Watch mit rund 140 Menschen an Bord und die “Sea-Eye 4” der Regensburger Hilfsorganisation Sea-Eye mit 43 Überlebenden kreuzten am Donnerstag vor Sizilien und warteten auf die Erlaubnis, ability.


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