28 million light-years away: a possible exoplanet outside the Milky Way Galaxy – the endless expanses of space still hold many surprises in store for us. One of them can now be detected by a NASA telescope. It is possible that the first exoplanet has been found outside the Milky Way, a full 28 million light-years away from us.
If this discovery is confirmed, it will be a groundbreaking scientific sensation. This object was discovered by a team of researchers from the USA. The potential planet should be about the size of Saturn and be in the M51-ULS-1 star system. Thus, the object of Desire is more than a thousand times further from Earth than any of the planets recorded so far.
A star in the spiral galaxy Messier 51
Particularly interesting here is that the suspected exoplanet orbits not a star in the Milky Way like all previously known planets, but a star in the spiral galaxy Messier 51. Astronomers at the Astrophysics Center have announced this. at Harvard and the Smithsonian in Cambridge in their area Message.
A possible exoplanet will be the record holder for distance. according to German Aerospace Center The most distant planet known to date is 22,000 light-years from Earth. According to scientists, the object was discovered because it is located in what is known as the X-ray binary star system.
Ah yes, I remember the paper where a few extragalactic astronomers searched a few thousand star days from X-ray light curves and found a planet *AT 45AU*, while TESS+K2+Kepler recorded 100 million star days and had never found a planet like this The planet is long-lived.
Of course in nature https://t.co/91byaBP2gq– Hugh Osbourne (@exohugh) October 25 2021
An insight into the outer groups of planetary systems
These things shine a million times brighter than the Sun, but planets can block this intense X-ray radiation and can be seen on Earth, as in this present state. The team of astronomers was looking for such events and systems in the night sky. NASA’s Chandra X-ray Telescope was used here.
Study director Rosanne Di Stefano on the startling discovery: “Our discovery of candidate planets gives us the first insight into the outermost groups of planetary systems and extends the search for the planet to distances nearly 10,000 times further.”
Verifying a suspected exoplanet is difficult
Now it will be exciting, because checking the supposed exoplanet as such will not be an easy task. To do this, another passage of the body should be noted, which, due to the long orbit, could not be possible for about 70 years.
Either way, each new discovery in space is something impressive and captivating, after all, there is still much undiscovered waiting for us.
those: spiegel.de
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