Samsung beats the drum in launching its Neo QLED TV sales, which will take place in early January at CES 2022 in Las Vegas formally introduced had become. The updated product line will include eight new models ranging in size from 43 to 85 inches. The 8K QN900B and the higher 4K QN95B are the flagship models. Meanwhile, the company will introduce new lifestyle TVs under the “The Frame” brand and various Q speakers with surround sound.
New Neo QLED TVs will support Dolby Atmos in 2022, among other things
Mini LED TVs as an alternative to QD OLED models
In Hinsicht auf eine verbesserte Bildqualität stellt Samsung in diesem Jahr das 14-Bit-HDR-Mapping seiner Neo QLED-TVs in den Mittelpunkt, das in kombination mit der Mini-LED-Lichtquelle und bis zu 16.384fen “Helligdukenkitsen darschund” ” Could you. In addition, the manufacturer is jumping above its shadow and for the first time incorporating the now ubiquitous Dolby Atmos technology for immersive sound. However, there are no plans to include Dolby Vision in favor of its HDR10+ standard.
Koreans also want to differentiate themselves from their competitors with new gaming functions. Among other things, the integrated game center has been expanded, which should show improvements throughout the year. There are also various options for cloud gaming (eg via google stadia And the Nvidia GeForce Now), while the installed panels support 4K resolution with up to 144Hz, ALLM, VRR, and eARC via HDMI 2.1. However, Samsung has so far been silent about the pricing of the new Neo QLED model.
To pre-register with Samsung Register now for the Neo QLED preview!
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