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Never Satisfied: 3 Zodiac Signs Are Especially Pessimistic

Never Satisfied: 3 Zodiac Signs Are Especially Pessimistic

If the character guarantees no satisfaction at all, it could also be because of the zodiac sign. Three zodiac signs are often not particularly satisfied.

Some people have a knack for making delicious lemonade from every lemon that gives them life. However, others never seem to be satisfied and always have the feeling that things can always be a little better. If you are one of those contemporaries, your zodiac sign may play an important role. There are three signs of the zodiac that often struggle with annoying dissatisfaction and pessimism.

Capricorn – inspired by ambition

As a highly disciplined and ambitious zodiac sign, Capricorn thrives fully in his work. Focuses on accomplishing the tasks assigned to him and does not rest until he reaches his goal. The pedantic Capricorn always proceeds according to a carefully thought-out plan. Unfortunately, it can sometimes happen that life throws a wrench into the works.

If he cannot achieve the desired goal in the desired way, then it will be difficult for this zodiac sign. He lacks the imagination to search for alternative solutions that are also successful. For Capricorn, the desired summit moves to an inaccessible distance. Satisfaction cannot arise here. But there is pessimism.

What does your destiny number reveal about you?

How to calculate the number of your destiny, you can see here!
© Wechit

Virgo – pedant perfect

Virgo loves her job, too. She will never turn down a task that has been assigned to her, and so it happens that work orders tend to pile up on a Virgo desk. Virgo will now meticulously attempt to work through individual projects piece by piece.

However, their inherent perfection ensures that they also take on unimportant tasks with the same precision as important projects. Thus, Virgo’s way of working means that they need significantly more time in the work day than their careless colleagues who sometimes leave unimportant tasks unfinished.

Virgo sits alone in the office late at night, while others enjoy the evening for a long time. No wonder she often feels bereft of fate and pessimistic about life.

This is what distinguishes the Virgo sign.

Leo – fan star

A lion’s discontent is to be found not so much in his profession as in his own environment. It is important for him to be the center of attention everywhere and to be the star that he admires.

The charismatic lion may succeed in the party. But longer friendships only work when give and take are roughly in balance.

For a Leo, this means that he must redeem himself and let others have their say. But this is contrary to the direction of this rotten sign of the zodiac, so Leo also repeatedly inflicts resentment and pessimism.

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