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– Never seen rain like this – VG

– Never seen rain like this – VG

Flood: This movie is Port Macquarie. Photo: ALEX MCNAUGHT / REUTERS / NTB

SYDNEY (VG) Areas of Australia are now experiencing what is known as the “flood of the century”.


New South Wales, the country’s most populous state, has received up to 853 millimeters of rain in some places over the past four days.

More is expected. Sydney, which received 241 mm of rainfall in the last 96 hours, is expected to reach 50 to 100 mm in the next 24 hours, while reaching 300 mm south of the city.

“I can not think of a time in our state’s history when such severe weather prevailed against each other in the midst of an epidemic,” Prime Minister Gladys Perezglian told a news conference on Monday.

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Announces natural disaster in Australia

In the first 17 hours of Sunday morning, the state recorded a maximum of 214 mm of rain.

– I have never seen rain like this. “I’ve worked with a lot of floods, and it’s the biggest of all,” says Shane Griffin, head of rescue services in New South Wales.

Worst since 1961

18,000 people have been evacuated, most of them on the beach. In addition, 38 areas have been declared natural disasters.

But about 3,000 people have been evicted domestically as well. In the west of Sydney, rivers have reached unprecedented flood levels since 1961. This is because the Warrakamba Dam, which supplies most of the city’s drinking water, is overflowing, NDP writes.

By Monday afternoon, many of the interior areas had been cleared for security and thousands could return to their homes, the Sydney Morning Herald writes.

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Windsor: It was like this on Monday in Windsor, 40 miles west of Sydney city center. Photo: Loren Elliott / REUTERS / NTB

Port Macquarie (marked on the map) and the surrounding areas are severely affected.

– I have lived here for 25 years and I have never seen anything like it. Now it is quiet before the storm, and the worst is yet to come. Torrent Lakman, from Port Macquarie to the Sydney Morning Herald, says cleaning up will be hard work after this.

Extreme weather is expected to move south of Port Macquarie and south of Sydney on Monday.

“Fortunately, bad weather will end by Wednesday,” meteorologist Adam Morgan told ABC.

Tough 18 months

The floods are the third in 18 months to hit the state of New South Wales. The state was severely affected by wildfires in 2019 and early 2020.

Ensure log heat and log drought Wildfire never seen before in Australia.

About 49,000 square kilometers in New South Wales have been affected by wildfires.

As wildfires continued to engulf the state, a new threat was looming. On January 25, the first case of corona virus was reported in the country.

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