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New Documentary Series – “Secrets of Hillsong”: A Chapel Where the Abyss Opens

New Documentary Series – “Secrets of Hillsong”: A Chapel Where the Abyss Opens

It doesn’t look much different than it did at a rock concert. Crowds of enthusiastic young men and a fully tattooed man in his mid-30s set the tone: hardly anyone would believe anyone actually followed a church service here. But the Hillsong Church, which has more than 150,000 members worldwide, scores primarily by being different. Young hip values ​​are posted, and everyone is welcome, she says at the entrance — no matter the ethnic group, no matter the sexual orientation. That this progressive behavior seems more than real is no longer a secret.

As the Disney+ documentary series “Secrets of Hillsong” shows, this Free Church isn’t any holier than its competition. In four informative episodes, the deception of exploitative masterminds is dissected without fear of connection, accompanied by footage from the church’s pompous interior and interviews with former followers. Above all, Carl Lentz, the young and well-trained New York divisional pastor who, as figurehead to Hillsong, attracted so much media attention would be held accountable here. With his magic, he was able to wrap some famous people around his finger.

Stars and stars like Justin BeiberAnd Kylie Jenner or Selena Gomez were or were members of the respective association. As detailed, their high-ranking deputies are now facing accusations of money laundering or homophobia. One of the causes of the Hollywood star and Schwarzenegger’s son-in-law Chris Prattwho was said to have connections to Hillsong, had to actively distance herself from her.
If you want extensive insights into the working methods and sources of danger of a massive church of this size, you should take a look at the series. An objectively crafted infotainment system takes the wind out of the greedy purists’ sails.

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Rating: ★★★★ ☆ (4/5)

The Secrets of Hillsong is available on Disney+.