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New fact: Earth’s light is fading

New fact: Earth’s light is fading

  • Marvin Ziegel

    fromMarvin Ziegel


A new discovery from astronomy stuns the entire world of space research.

FRANKFURT – A research team from the Big Bear Solar Observatory has observed space every night for the past 20 years. Objective: To measure the solar cycle and cloud cover of the sky. 20 years after space exploration* The team is certain: Earth’s light in space is weakening, according to the American CNN news channel.

The research team made measurements of “Earth luminosity”, which occurs when the “dark side of the Moon captures light reflected from Earth and radiates it back,” it reports. NASA*. The amount of “Earth Glow” depends on the night and season in question. Light is a phenomenon that only appears when sunlight is reflected from the Earth on the dark side of the Moon.

Space travel: Earth’s light weakens in space

Then a small part of this light is reflected from the Moon back to the Earth. For people on Earth, “Earth Glow” can only be recognized as a weak light on the dark side of the Moon. “You look at a quarter of the moon. You can see the entire moon because three-quarters of it is illuminated in this ghostly light,” says Philip Good, a researcher at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and one of the authors of the newly published study. The result: After 20 years of measurements, Earth’s light has weakened in space.

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“It’s actually the sunlight that’s reflecting off the Earth, getting weaker,” Good explains. The Earth should reflect about half a watt of light per square meter than it did 20 years ago, which corresponds to a reduction in reflectance of about 0.5 percent. “Often you can leave your common sense at the door, there are a lot of surprises,” Good says. “This is one of those surprises.”

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And another surprise was waiting right after the next discovery: the research group found that the decrease in cloud cover on Earth is responsible for this phenomenon. If cloud cover is reduced, more direct sunlight penetrates the Earth’s surface and is not reflected back into space. “The Earth is warming more because of the less reflected light.” The team found the largest decrease in clouds over the western coasts of South and North America.

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When does the next full moon come? All information about this in Lunar calendar 2021*.

Goode did not comment that the light had any effect on the speech’s warming faster, according to CNN. “We can only guess what the Earth does with that energy.” (Marvin Ziegel) * view from IPPEN.MEDIA.